Southern Northwest Territories and Southeastern Yukon
Exploration Evaluation Of The Southern Northwest Territories And Southeastern Yukon (60°- 65° North Latitude)
Location: 60° – 65° N and 127°30′ – 114° W
Strata: Proterozoic – Cretacious
Year of Study: 2009
A regional multi-disciplinary analysis of the Southern Northwest Territories and Southeastern Yukon was undertaken to assess the nature of petroleum reservoirs and the controls on known hydrocarbon accumulations, and to develop new play concepts and regional fairways.
The data and information used in the assessment were derived from reviewing wireline logs, cores and tests from more than 684 wells. 225 of these were cored, for a total length of approximately 9300 metres. 958 drillstem tests, most in Devonian carbonate reservoirs, were individually evaluated and assessed in an overall hydrogeology framework. The majority of these evaluated Devonian carbonates. The available geophysical data consisted of 8,595 kilometers of scanned, public seismic, and 200m x 200m residual total field aeromag data.
This exploration assessment of the Cambrian to Cretaceous succession of the region between 60° and 65° North latitude, and 114° to 127.5° West longitude completes a trilogy of PRCL projects extending from the southern boundary of the Northwest Territories, northward to the MacKenzie Delta.
The final report comprises a 300-page document and an accompanying DVD, which includes:
- A PDF copy of the report and figures;
- Browsable digital core photo library linked to core descriptions (in AppleCore format), core analysis and petropgraphy;
- Revised digital stratigraphic tops database in Excel format;
- Interpreted well-logs in LAS format;
- DST and well chemistry databases in Excel format, from the Hydrodynamics chapter;
- Geochemistry databases in Microsoft Access and Excel formats;
- Interpreted seismic horizons in ASCII format.
The study has been configured to provide the reader with a view of petroleum opportunities in the southern Northwest and Yukon Territories that is intermediate between a high-level literature review and a prospect/development-specific assessment.
For more information contact:
Brad Hayes
Petrel Robertson Consulting Ltd.
800, 717 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0Z3
Phone: (403) 218-1607

PRCL facilitates 21st century Energy Transitions
We apply our subsurface geoscience and engineering expertise to oil and gas, water resource characterization, geothermal resources, subsurface energy storage and carbon sequestration, and exploration for helium and other strategic commodities
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Petrel Robertson is playing an important role as Canada and the world transition to more diverse energy sources and storage.
Oil and gas will be critical for energy and petrochemicals for decades to come. PRCL supports orderly, efficient, and environmentally responsible development of oil and gas resources. Much of our oil- and gas-related work now supports initiatives such as identifying water source and disposal opportunities for unconventional oil and gas, while ensuring protection of fresh water resources.
We are also finding opportunities to leverage our subsurface skill sets beyond oil and gas, including:
- Exploring for and developing other resources, such as minerals-rich saline brines and helium, found in deep gas reservoirs
- Characterizing saline water resources in deep aquifers to supply water for hydraulic fracturing, and to safely dispose of waste water from petroleum and other industrial processes
- Characterizing fresh water resources in shallow aquifers, as water supply for many uses, and to guard against contamination
- Mapping areas at risk from induced seismicity
- Evaluating and planning geothermal energy development
- Assessing and planning subsurface energy storage, as in caverns and fracture systems

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