PRCL Management Team and Associates
Brad Hayes, Ph.D., P.Geol. – President
Drawing on over 35 years of exploration and development experience, Dr. Hayes directs major exploration and development studies for the petroleum industry, and consults for a variety of clients, including operating companies, investors, Crown corporations, and regulatory agencies. His international experience includes hydrocarbon basins in North and South America, Africa and Asia. Dr. Hayes has published extensively, and has broad managerial experience, both corporately and within project teams.
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Kathleen Dorey, P.Geoph – Chief Geophysicist
Ms Dorey has an outstanding reputation in the industry as a successful oil and gas explorer and has over 30 years’ experience in all facets of 2D-4D seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation. She is an experienced interpreter with expertise in mapping conventional and unconventional oil and gas plays, assessing reserves and resources and recommending land strategies as well as proposing drill locations tied to development plans. She is well versed in advanced reservoir characterization methods such as pre and post-stack inversion, AVO, curvature, coherence analysis which can be used to maximize prospectivity in target reservoirs. For unconventional analysis, Ms. Dorey is well versed in integrating seismic derived reservoir thicknesses, structures and depth’s with TOC, fracture, PVT and maturity data to map sweet spots in unconventional fairways.
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Alula Damte, Ph.D., P.Geol. – Chairman
Dr. Damte is a structural geologist with extensive Petroleum industry and related teaching experience. He has worked in evaluation of varied structural styles including intracratonic rift basins, oblique convergent plate margins and coupled shelf extensional and basinward toe thrust systems along passive margins around the world. Dr. Damte is an ownership partner and Chair of PRCL’s Board of Directors. He is currently engaged as President of Central European Petroleum.
Martin Perra, B.Sc. Geography – Manager, Mapping Systems
Martin in a highly skilled professional with over 20 years experience in the use of geographic information systems and the analytical methodology used in geology and geophysics.
Howard Anderson, P.Eng. – Advisor
Howard has over 40 years experience in reservoir engineering, economic evaluations, and business leadership. His technical experience was gained across North America, including the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and Canadian Arctic. He has been instrumental in founding and operating successful startup companies in the unconventional space, and has consulted to a variety of clients on projects around the world.
Peter E. Putnam, Ph.D., P.Geol. – Advisor
Dr. Putnam is a former ownership partner of PRCL, and served as President from 1997 to 2007. His industry geoscience and management experience ranges from frontier exploration to enhanced oil recovery projects. In addition to his research and operations background, he has had extensive experience in corporate management and professional training. Dr. Putnam is currently engaged as a senior advisor with OSUM Oil Sands Corp., and as CEO of Central European Petroleum.
PRCL facilitates 21st century Energy Transitions
We apply our subsurface geoscience and engineering expertise to oil and gas, water resource characterization, geothermal resources, subsurface energy storage and carbon sequestration, and exploration for helium and other strategic commodities
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Petrel Robertson is playing an important role as Canada and the world transition to more diverse energy sources and storage.
Oil and gas will be critical for energy and petrochemicals for decades to come. PRCL supports orderly, efficient, and environmentally responsible development of oil and gas resources. Much of our oil- and gas-related work now supports initiatives such as identifying water source and disposal opportunities for unconventional oil and gas, while ensuring protection of fresh water resources.
We are also finding opportunities to leverage our subsurface skill sets beyond oil and gas, including:
- Exploring for and developing other resources, such as minerals-rich saline brines and helium, found in deep gas reservoirs
- Characterizing saline water resources in deep aquifers to supply water for hydraulic fracturing, and to safely dispose of waste water from petroleum and other industrial processes
- Characterizing fresh water resources in shallow aquifers, as water supply for many uses, and to guard against contamination
- Mapping areas at risk from induced seismicity
- Evaluating and planning geothermal energy development
- Assessing and planning subsurface energy storage, as in caverns and fracture systems

Geoscience BC has released the Central Interior BC Carbon Storage Assessment project
Geoscience BC has just released the Central Interior BC Carbon Storage Assessment project, researched and written by Petrel Robertson Consulting Ltd. and Foresight Canada. Resource-rich areas like central BC have CO2 emissions from forestry, pipeline, refinery and...