Based on PRCL’s geoscience and engineering expertise, Imperial Helium is securing helium assets to meet the growing global demand for helium in a variety of 21st-century applications
Imperial Helium has surpassed our objectives for 2020, and management is excited to report that they have secured an asset projected to contained in excess of 1 BCF of marketable helium, verified by two existing wellbores. The company plans to run a production test in 2021, and to conduct other geological and engineering work to quickly advance the asset to a development decision. Imperial and PRCL / Cronin are encouraged with the upside potential, and are proceeding toward further asset acquisitions.
Imperial has broadened their strategy by establishing Strategic Alliances with an EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) company and an international gas off-taker – providing the ability to quickly monetize assets, and to offer a helium monetization solution to natural gas producers not currently capturing helium from their production streams.
PRCL will continue to provide technical and logistical support to Imperial Helium as they raise funds and move toward helium production.
For further information, visit Imperial’s website at