Dr. Brian Zaitlin (Zaitlin GeoConsulting Ltd.) is co-chairing with Ms. Shelley Leggett (Velvet Energy Ltd.) a virtual session titled: Skill Fundamentals 101 and Case Studies: Geology on September 21, 2020 as part of Geoconvention 2020, September 21-23, 2020.

This session has been developed to answer the need for both new and experienced staff to be introduced to a variety of geological and technical concepts and applications. The session will be organized around presentations on concepts and applications in Geomodeling, Carbonate Reservoirs and Petrography, presented by experts in their respective fields. The session will be delivered in a “bootcamp” style, with an over-arching theme of “going back to the basics.” CSPG members have indicated a critical need for new graduates and recent hires to be exposed to the basic integrated concepts that are utilized in day to day work.

Topics to be covered and presenters include:

  • The Role of Geomodeling in the Multi-Disciplinary Team: David Garner
  • Required Skills for Successful Exploration and Development of Carbonate Reservoirs: Dr. John Weissenberger
  • Petrography: A Brief History of Rock Imagining and Current Applications to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: Dr. Lyn Canter
  • 3D geomodelling and applications in Oil Sands Reservoirs and Tight Oil Reservoirs: Dr. Weishan Ren